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URL Encoder Decoder

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url decoder / encoder

what is a URL?

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is an address used to locate a specific webpage on the internet. URLs typically consist of three parts: the protocol, domain name and path.

The protocol indicates which type of network is being used (e.g. HTTP or HTTPS), while the domain name specifies the location of the servers where that website lives.

Finally, the path is a combination of folders and files that points to a specific page within that website (for example, would take you to the About Us page).

URL Encode tool

A URL Encoder is a useful tool for encoding URLs, which helps to make sure they are properly formatted and secure. 

The encoding process is simple, it takes the URL and converts it into a character string that can be safely transmitted over the internet without any issues. 

This is important, as some characters have special meanings - such as ? or & - which could disrupt the URL if not properly encoded.

The encoder will also check for invalid characters in the URL, and alert you if any exist before you send it off. 

This ensures that only valid information will reach its destination, making data exchanges more secure.

URL decoder tool

The URL decoder is a simple online tool that helps to decode URLs into human readable format. 

It is a versatile, powerful and easy-to-use tool that saves time by converting your URLs from encoded characters into their original format.

This process allows you to create shorter and more readable links, while also protecting the information within them from malicious threats like phishing scams. 

The tool can also be used to convert regular text into HTML code in order to embed it on a web page.

Using the tool is simple and the url decoding process is pretty fast. Just paste your url encoded string in the input field and click “decode” when you’re ready.

The url decode files will be displayed on the screen, and you can copy or paste it into your browser to access the page. 

With this tool, you’ll never have to worry about losing important information due to malicious URL manipulation again.

There is no file upload form, simply copy and past the encoded or decoded data. Use the coma sign for multiple independent data entries.

There is no resulting downloadable file after the encoding/decoding

Submitted data is not saved. our servers immediately delete them after the entire process

Why you should use the URL encoder/decoder tool?

The URL encoder/decoder is a powerful tool used to execute decoded files originated from encoding. 

with its multiple entries capabilities you can quickly and easily encode or decode strings, making it an invaluable asset when dealing with URLs that contain special characters.

With the URL encoder/decoder, you can easily translate between different character encodings, identify potential issues in your URLs, and ensure that they remain properly formatted.

This makes it incredibly useful when creating links to content on websites or sending emails that require encoded data. 

The encoder/decoder helps protect against malicious attacks by preventing hackers from using encoded characters to gain access to restricted information.

All decoded url and encoding scheme are done via a secure ssl encrypted connections meaning the system immediately delete uploaded files

Types of URL characters allowed

URLs can contain a variety of reserved and unreserved characters, including punctuation, letters, and numbers. Some of the characters allowed are hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), slashes (/), colons (:), tildes (~) and question marks (?).

All of these unreserved or certain reserved characters serve different purposes within URLs. 

Hyphens, for example, are used to separate words or phrases in a URL while underscores are often used as a substitute for spaces.

Periods are typically used to denote file extensions (.html or .php files). 

Slashes are commonly used to differentiate between different web pages on a website and colons indicate that something is following after the colon (such as http://www).

Tildes usually indicate a subdirectory or folder and question marks are often used to denote parameters or search terms in a URL.

When creating a URL, it is important to be aware of the characters that can and cannot be used as some other characters may not be allowed in certain browsers or software programs.

When utilizing any of these symbols for a URL, always make sure that they are properly encoded so that they will appear correctly when typed into a browser or other program. 

Doing this will ensure that your link works correctly across multiple platforms.

what Is Percent-encoding?

Percent-encoding, also known as URL encoding, is a process of replacing non-alphanumeric characters in a URL with a percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal digits. 

It is primarily used for encoding data sent over the Internet to prevent ambiguity and special characters from being interpreted in an unintended way by web browsers.

How does Percent-encoding of unreserved characters work?

In percent-encoding of unreserved characters, the symbols in a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) are replaced with their ASCII Hexadecimal value. 

This is important because certain characters are not allowed to be used in URIs and might mess up the URL's syntax.

The format for encoding these characters is using percent character (%) plus two hexadecimal digits corresponding to the character's ASCII corresponding byte value. 

For example, if you wanted to encode a space character, its ASCII letter value is 32 (hexidecimal value = 20), so it would be represented as %20.

In total, there are 43 unreserved characters that can be encoded using percent-encoding. 

These characters include letters (A-Z, a-z), Latin numerals (0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and tildes (~). 

This way, when these characters are entered into the URL, they will be properly encoded so that they can be read correctly by a web browser.

In addition to using percent-encoding for unreserved characters, it is also important to use it for special characters such as ampersands (&) and question marks (?).

These special characters need to be encoded into their % sign followed by two hexadecimal digits format in order for them to be read correctly by browsers. 

For example, the ampersand character must be encoded as %26 in order for it to be read correctly.



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